Andrew Kubik
Design Experience
5 years
BFA Graphic Design,
Columbia College
Denver, CO
Letter of Rec
Hello and Welcome!
My story begins with me attending Marquette University with the intention of majoring in computer science. But as you can see from my portfolio, that is not the case. That’s when I discovered the ever-expanding world of Graphic Design, the field where I can solve universal problems through graphics and witness ideas come to life. As a designer, one might think we have to prioritize user experience over style or aesthetics, making it look cool. I believe you can have both, functionality and eye-catching design.

“Jack of all trades, master of none, though oftentimes better than a master of one”. This quote is told over and over. But I am here to prove that a “Jack of all trades” can be a master of all. Throughout my years I have been learning all different forms of design, honing my skills, and teaching myself new software. In the hopes one day I can make your problems come to life in both functionality and aesthetic.